Sunday, April 26, 2015

Philosophy on Online Learning

  • “What is your view and/or philosophy on K – 12 Online Learning?”
In the coming years online learning will be used by more and more of our student population.  Although a bit skeptical at first, I now see all the positives of an online learning environment.  The traditional classroom has flipped and students everywhere are seeing the benefits of enrolling in an online classroom.  Online learning is so much more than students listening to a recorded online lectures.  Students collaborate, apply knowledge to real world situations, create, analyze and discuss real world problems, and apply their learning as they create projects that are "outside" the box.  It is easy for students to collaborate with one another as there are a variety of forums-D2L, Google Plus, Google Hangouts, Twitter etc. Additionally, instructors can assign and develop lessons to tailor a student's needs as they track student progress.  Students can work at their pace and when it is convenient for them.  Do you have a high school student that learns best in the afternoon?  No problem, he/she can work when he feels the most alert.  Being able to control when you complete assignments gives students opportunities to attend real life experiences.  For example, maybe a student's family would like to travel to a foreign country.  No problem, the student can complete work  from a distance all while not missing out on an incredible experience.  So much has change over the last five years, I can't wait to see what the next five years will bring and how education will continue to grow and change to best meet the needs of students everywhere. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Webpage Lesson Design

Here is an example of what my page may look like for my lesson.  I teach first grade and wanted to keep things very simple for them.  They will be able to click on a few links to research their animal.  They will also get to click on links to view the rubric and see what the final project will look like.  I am open to other ideas and suggestions.  I thought the less words, the easier it would be for them to navigate independently.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

LMS reactions

Blog: Share on your blog your impressions and/or reactions to building your LMS…consider the following: Is an LMS good to have? Should everyone have a LMS? What constraints are you experiencing in designing your LMS? Does an LMS help “Flip” your classroom? What are your thoughts?

I am a bit confused about building this LMS.  I understand that this will be a place for students to work collaboratively online such as this class but I am finding it difficult to create for my first grade students.  In all honesty I do not think this will benefit the students in my classroom.  I think that my first grade students are going to need the help of a parent to access the LMS.  Another hurdle is the students in my classroom do not have access to a computer or internet connection at home. This is not something they can easily check nightly or even weekly.  As of right now the parents in my classroom have a difficult time helping their children complete the written homework.  Many of my parents do not read or speak English so my students are completing or trying to complete their homework independently.  I hate to sound negative at this idea but I just don't think that this could realistically work with my students.  (Although I am willing to try it and hope to surprise myself!)  I do think that this would be something students who are in 3rd grade and above may be able to handle independently.  

I also understand that this is something that I could have my students use at school, and that is most likely how I will design it.  I plan on trying to use it and implement it with a writing lesson.  I am still trying to figure out how this can best meet the needs of my students.  Any recommendations would be helpful! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Check out my Online Learning Map

This week I created an Online Learning Map using exam time.  I teach first grade so I tried to think of what my students would actually be capable of doing at this point in the school year.  I decided that google offered a few kid friendly ways to communicate in an online classroom.  I think that my students would need the help of an adult to help them write an email or formulate their questions through google hang out. I also think that their typing would be a slow process.  It would be a big adjustment for my students.  Students will however be able to access videos and games that will support the curriculum.  I also plan on having students complete web quests, which they would be able to do with little support.  I am going to continue to search of other kid friendly ways of communicating in an Online Classroom for 6-7 year olds.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Learning Map

Weather Unit

I created this learning map to help my first grade students understand some basic weather related content and vocabulary.  We are currently working on a weather unit in science and I thought that my students may benefit from a review of the vocabulary words presented in class.  Many students in my classroom are ELL so I tried to include pictures as well.  I plan to add more pictures to the Learning Map to help students understand the concepts but I was trying to not make it so overwhelming.  I do love the idea of the "notes."  It is nice that students do not see all of the information at once but can view more information once they click the note tab.  This is something I will use again and recommend to teachers and students.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Summary of Chapter One

Summary of Chapter One
Learning in an Online Environment

Theorists such as Bruner, Vygotsky and Piaget have believed for centuries that social interaction helps students learn and that learning must be connected to the learner to be made more meaningful.  Piaget also believed that peer to peer discussions were more valuable than adult-student discussions.  Piaget thought that a peer were likely to contradict, question or inquire with another peer versus an adult.  As a classroom teacher I know and understand the beliefs behind such theories.  I have experienced first hand the power of collaboration and interaction among students.  It is now taking these theories and applying them to online classroom environments.  For some, an online classroom experience has been nothing more than an online lecture.  If this is the only teaching method used in an online classroom then problems will most likely occur.  Students may be likely to give up, become frustrated or even drop out.

Learning in an Online Environment is nothing new.  However, much research has been done on the success of an online learning environment.  Weigel (2002) states that, "Creativity, critical analysis and skillful performance are inextricably linked to the process of creating more viable and coherent knowledge structures." Something that really stood out to me was,  "In an engaged learning environment each learners's actions contribute not only to individual knowledge but to overall community development as well." (3)
In an engaged learning environment, the learner is motivated to actively participate in the learning.  The student is motivated to seek out and manage their own learning.  Well developed online classrooms have students establishing their own goals, students work together in groups, complete authentic tasks, and share projects beyond the classroom.  

At first, the instructor begins to develop a sense of community and a place for safe learning by having students completed community building exercises.  It makes me think of my classroom for the month of September.  Much time is given to build community and relationships among students.  This is called Phase 1.  During Phase 1 it is the instructor who is setting the initial tone of the course.  Students are getting to know one another and are beginning to get a feel for the class.  Next, comes Phase 2 which is when the instructor begins forming dyads of learners.  At first, the assignments may not be so academic.  Students are beginning to trust and get to know one another as learners.  It is essential to take this time to build your online community as it will be time well spent to set the tone for the remainder of the semester.  Phase 3 is when peer partners work in collaborative teams.  Students are supporting one another and not just going to the teacher for the answer.  The teacher has now taken a facilitator role and is getting students ready to move to Phase 4.  Phase 4 is when learners are introduced to opportunities to lead actitivites.  They take on the leadership role.  The roll out of each phase is done very intentionally, moving students at an appororiate pace and building the online community.

I love how Conrad and Donaldson stated, "Engaged learning does not simply happen.  It requires "architectural engineering by the instructor."  Much planning and prep work is essential to ensure the success of your online learners.  

Check out this very simple and straight forward video for more information on engaging your students.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Clive- PIAF

Clive's PIAF Summary

P- stands for PREPARATION.  This means you are preparing the learner for the learning experience.

I- stands for INPUT.  You are inspiring the learner to change their behavior in order to develop on going skills that are necessary for the learning.

A- stands for APPLICATION.  You are providing opportunities for the learned to test out these new ideas and skills in the work place or classroom.  You are providing real life experiences  or scenario based challenges. 

F- stands for FOLLOW UP.  You are coaching and supporting the learner.  You are also providing "on demand" content and support from peers.  

Clive discusses blended solutions.  Now students are less passive, its not just the teacher present information but a "blended solution" of present information(expositions), acquire new skills (instruction), suggest challenges (guided discovery).  Students put as much effort into realistic scenario based challenges than they do in a video game.